Sunday, December 7, 2014

Aube Nouvelle/ The First Noel

Growing up in south Louisiana, the second most spoken language was French on account of the strong historical connection with France as well as the French Acadians who were expelled from Nova Scotia (Le Grand Dérangement.) If you visit there today (...and you SHOULD! Laissez les bons temps rouler!), you will still hear thick "Cajun" accents descending from the mother tongue. This is a French Christmas carol we sang when I was a kid, and I've done a counter-melody with The First Noel, because it fit so well, and I liked it ! In this recording you'll hear my debut as a djembe drummer AND recorder player along with my guitar! I rather like this drumming thing!!!  Please share the link with your friends! It streams free at this link. Joyeux Noël!

Friday, November 21, 2014


Can we chat for a moment?  

As some of you know, the Saturday after Thanksgiving has been designated as "Small Business Saturday,"  encouraging people to shop "small."  American Express has a fab commercial out right now advertising Small Business Saturday with one of my FAVE Simon and Garfunkel songs, "America."  SO pretty.  I LOVE the visual montage including pet groomers to seamstresses!  (If you haven't seen it, you can watch it at this link: It reminds us that small businesses really are important vertebrae in the backbone of communities.  (And Indie musicians are to Mega Stars like boutiques are to Walmart.  It's impossible to compare or compete with the advertising budgets they have.)

And, speaking of small businesses, there's hardly one smaller than Girl Friday Music!  hahaha!  Itty bitty. Teeny Weeny.  Almost microscopic!!!  I have an online store front through CD Baby, which sells my actual physical CD's as well as digital versions.  Perhaps this holiday season, you'd like to give something unique in the way of the gift of music, and instead of shopping Mega Star, you'll support the Indie Artist!  A GF CD would fit SO perfectly into a stocking, and you wouldn't even have to fight traffic! You could shop in your PJ's at your computer!

Much attention was given to the artwork and design of the sleeve, and even on the actual CD face!  The whole process from writing to producing to recording to designing was very important to me, and I'd love to share it with you.  (And, there's NO plastic!  All eco friendly packaging.)  I love having a small operation where I am involved in every single aspect, right down to communicating with my fans. 

Attached here are links where you can access the CD's or MP3's.  If you are in my 3D world, I will have CD's with me at my December performances, and I can bring some to classes, too!  Think about it, and if you are so inclined to shop small this season, please consider shopping at Girl Friday Music.  Know that it lands LARGE on my heart and means so much to me;  the connection with you and the joy of creating and sharing music as art.  Thanks so much for listening!


Girl Friday: Songbird

Girl Friday: Light of the Moon

Girl Friday: Songbird

Girl Friday: Light of the Moon

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014



I FINALLY broke down and joined Pinterest.  HUGE mistake.  Do you even KNOW how many adorable pictures of doxies there are out there?  Sigh......  HUGE mistake.  Cue the addiction.


Visit Girl Friday Music's profile on Pinterest.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Here I Am!

It's been OVER a year since my last post.  Yikes!! The excuse I shall make is that I've been moving and shaking...more specifically: hanging!  In addition to recording and performing, I obtained a few new fitness certifications:  Pilates Barre and MOST fun of all, AntiGravity Suspension Fitness which uses the Christopher Harrison AntiGravity Hammock to perform various poses, exercises, flips, tricks, and inversions to promote mobility in joints, strength in muscles, coordination, flexibility, and a healthy spine.  To learn more, check out  Here's a photo of an inversion, as well as a challenge I took:  playing guitar and singing upside down...just for kicks and giggles.  And giggles-a-plenty there were!!

Hope you guys are great!  I'll be posting more music and trying to be a little more present here.  Until then, stay out of trouble! :-)  Follow me on Facebook or Twitter, too!  That gets updated daily.