Monday, December 17, 2012


It's been pretty much forever and a day since I posted on my blog spot. Not that I haven't been writing or haven't had anything to write about; to quite the contrary, I have had SO much going on, I don't know where to start!! I've actually been writing up a storm, both in journal and song (and on every scrap of paper in sight!) I simply haven't been writing here. Since my last post, I've been to NY, Canada, and four of the Hawaiian Islands. I'll try to be a little better about staying more current on my website in 2013. I've really dropped the ball on updating photos there. If you haven't connected with me on Facebook or Twitter, please do so! I'd love to have you join in! I have those two sites linked, so if you view one, you can view the other. Hooray for technological simplification! I update those sites the most frequently with songs, pictures, videos, shows, and of course humor, so if you are looking for the most recent goings-on, that's the place to find it.

Here's the latest thing from my brain: a song called "Words" about how powerful and life-altering the right words at the right time can be. I'm going to confess some goofy glee. I've never had one of my YouTube videos get 1000 hits in just a few days. Ever. And why should I? I'm a pretty small-potatoes music operation! I'm no Gangnam Style! hahaha! But, I LOVE what I do, and I like to think of myself as a couture boutique rather than a Costco. One of a kind. Not mass production. That's what I tell myself, anyway. haha!

Big hugs,

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Night Minds Video

This is my live solo-acoustic cover of Missy Higgins' masterpiece, Night Minds. I find the lyrics and melody of this song to be heavenly cathartic each and every time I express it. She is such a master of conveying powerful messages with unfettered simplicity. I encourage you to explore her work if you have not already done so.

Cover tunes can be difficult for singer/songwriters to deliver authentically as we are so accustomed to expressing our own material. It's not so much that it's difficult to connect to other people's songs in terms of listening to them and feeling them and enjoying them, but when it comes to actually PERFORMING them has to be something that's so visceral, you could have conceivably written it yourself, lest you feel like you're being untruthful. This song hits home on such a personal level. I hope you enjoy it.

Slide shows to Leave the Light on and Dorothy

I'm having a rather fun time playing with iMovie and making slide shows to some of my professional recordings and demos.  Here are a few I've done recently....The first is from my "Songbird" EP. The second from my "Light of the Moon" EP.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Scroll down on the player to hear my latest tune, Invisible.  It's just a scratch demo, but I think that even when I do get into the studio to record it, I would like to keep it very spartan.  I like the vibe.  Honest.  Bold. But with vulnerable undertones.  I wouldn't want the intimacy to get lost and bogged down in the production.


Shakin off the cobwebs from your head, just rollin out of bed
The coffee’s waitin, got a big day ahead
But do you think of me?
Well, no….I am invisible….

Out of sight, out of mind, small talk’s just a waste of time
Going dark would seem to suit you just fine
But do you think of me?
….Or am I invisible?

          Push me away, try to keep me at bay
          Make me invisible

Don’t know why.  Don’t know how you keep up this monastic vow
You distance yourself.   Man, you just don’t allow yourself to
Think of me…
I am invisible.

But baby it don’t work that way for me, I’m not ashamed to say
I think of you each and every day
Oh yeah I think of you, even though
I am invisible

          Push me away, I guess forever I’ll stay

          Feelin’ like a stick of gum chewed up till my flavor’s gone
          Tossed out on some random lawn to disintegrate till I am gone
          And I am invisible

A perfect match in a perfect world, I fit your rubric of the girl
Who’ll blow your mind wearing leather or pearls
You think you’d think of me, yet
I am invisible

You think it’s smart.  You think your wise, but baby I know otherwise
You’re wasting your time with all these dead end tries
Why don’t you think of me instead of relegating me to