Sunday, December 7, 2014

Aube Nouvelle/ The First Noel

Growing up in south Louisiana, the second most spoken language was French on account of the strong historical connection with France as well as the French Acadians who were expelled from Nova Scotia (Le Grand Dérangement.) If you visit there today (...and you SHOULD! Laissez les bons temps rouler!), you will still hear thick "Cajun" accents descending from the mother tongue. This is a French Christmas carol we sang when I was a kid, and I've done a counter-melody with The First Noel, because it fit so well, and I liked it ! In this recording you'll hear my debut as a djembe drummer AND recorder player along with my guitar! I rather like this drumming thing!!!  Please share the link with your friends! It streams free at this link. Joyeux Noël!