Monday, December 17, 2012


It's been pretty much forever and a day since I posted on my blog spot. Not that I haven't been writing or haven't had anything to write about; to quite the contrary, I have had SO much going on, I don't know where to start!! I've actually been writing up a storm, both in journal and song (and on every scrap of paper in sight!) I simply haven't been writing here. Since my last post, I've been to NY, Canada, and four of the Hawaiian Islands. I'll try to be a little better about staying more current on my website in 2013. I've really dropped the ball on updating photos there. If you haven't connected with me on Facebook or Twitter, please do so! I'd love to have you join in! I have those two sites linked, so if you view one, you can view the other. Hooray for technological simplification! I update those sites the most frequently with songs, pictures, videos, shows, and of course humor, so if you are looking for the most recent goings-on, that's the place to find it.

Here's the latest thing from my brain: a song called "Words" about how powerful and life-altering the right words at the right time can be. I'm going to confess some goofy glee. I've never had one of my YouTube videos get 1000 hits in just a few days. Ever. And why should I? I'm a pretty small-potatoes music operation! I'm no Gangnam Style! hahaha! But, I LOVE what I do, and I like to think of myself as a couture boutique rather than a Costco. One of a kind. Not mass production. That's what I tell myself, anyway. haha!

Big hugs,