Sunday, January 6, 2013

Who I Am

"It took years for her to dance, but she finally began...
spirit leading, body following, body flowing, spirit soaring.
Losing herself, becoming her all - 
she truly danced for the first time in her life - 
and she knew joy..."

I saw this prose in a decorative frame at my sister's house years ago.  I have no idea who wrote it, but I remember thinking it perfectly described my late-bloomer tendencies throughout my life; so much so, it's etched in my memory.  I share it with you today as it ties in to the thesis of the song I have posted here.

I wrote the lyrics at 36,000 feet on a flight to New York, where I would be performing some of my original tunes in the village.  Some of my best writing happens in an airplane.  I have such clarity of thought up there.  It's as if I have this mental broom that sweeps together all my thoughts in some organizational fashion making them useful to me.  This is quite nice as on many days, I have so many thoughts tangled in my head, my brain feels like a jumbled ball of yarn a catnip-charged feline has just played with.  Kudos for being strapped to a seat at 36,000 feet going 500 miles per hour. 

Instead of writing anymore about this tune, I'll just let you listen.  The song speaks for itself;  plays out like a little movie with me cast in the lead role.  And in my typical DIY style, I've provided the soundtrack. :-)

This is who I am...